Weather Report: Week 8

Another happy week has gone by! It has been my last week of summer and it has been bittersweet packing up my room as I prepare for my second year at UCLA. I have had a wonderful summer and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on The Sunny Side Up! on a daily basis; it has taught me so much about commitment, creativity, and most importantly--happiness. I'm not sure how things will change when I start back at school but I still plan on blogging daily and writing my book. Just because school will be starting doesn't mean that I'll put off happiness!
As for completing Sunny Set Goal #268 which you can read here, I won't be flying out to Disney World to complete the marathon. But I have found something much better! Next year around this time I will be running in the Disneyland half marathon. This will give me more time to prepare and Anaheim is much more convenient than Orlando!
So what happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • I finished my last Toastmasters meeting where I spoke about hummingbirds. I was honored to win Best Speaker and many members wore yellow for my send-off. To see the speech, you can go here.
  • I am busy writing the Goal Setting chapter. I'm having so much fun finding my writing voice and I hope that I can help bring happiness with this work.
  • We celebrated my send-off by dining at Ruth Chris steak house last night. I've gotten to say goodbye to so many of my loved ones like my Grandma Joan, Grandma Farr, and my best friend, Lauren.
I'd like to thank our Sunny Star, Lindsay Baxter, for sharing her wonderful project, Knit with Love. You can read her story here and I invite you to donate!
Next week at the Sunny Side Up!
  • I will be moving into my sorority house, Chi Omega. I'm so excited to live with my best friends and sisters. What an exciting year it will be and I'm looking forward to sharing my adventures with you!
  • I will be attending the Miss and Teen California pageants. As a former Miss Teen California, I'm really looking forward to attending this event that will change girls' lives forever. I know it changed mine!
  • I will be giving my final speech for my public speaking class. It will be a persuasive speech but I still can't come up with a topic. Any ideas?
Have a wonderful week--can you believe it's already September? I swear the years only go by faster. Make the most of each day. They may be long, but the years are short!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook



Mr. Holland's Happy Opus