Finding Grace

Some call it cliché but I am an adamant believer that everything happens for a reason. I think we should always try our best, but at a certain point, I think destiny steps in and fate decides. There are certain times in my life when I rely on this frame of mind more than any other and this is one of those times. It’s when the future seems unclear that I have faith in a future that all is meant to be. We’ve all been there before: where we’ll end up for college, what job we’ll get, where we’ll live when we grow up. The future is uncertain but I believe that if we do everything in our power to make good choices and try our best, the rest will fall into place.
Now I know that the argument to this common saying is that there is no good reason for terrible things happening. I can never attempt to justify someone getting cancer, a child passing away before their parents, or a terrible car accident. But I do think that there is always a silver lining. If nothing else, perhaps these tragic experiences that occur in our lives are an opportunity to learn. Or to be there for someone else when they go through a similar situation. Maybe that is the reason?
This is one of the mottos I live by. It gets me through the day and it helps me accept both the positive and negative events that occur in my life. Let us try to live our lives with grace so that we can be humble accepting the great and calm accepting the difficulties.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Meant to Be


Sunny Star: Alex Castillo