A Part of Something

It’s amazing how much can happen in less than 72 hours. In that time I have flown to and from Memphis, Tennessee, met hundreds of Chi Omega women of all ages, and visited our national headquarters. I have learned more about our nationwide policies and practices and I have a whole new found love for my sorority. It is such a privilege to be a part of a tradition that has passed on from generation to generation. The oath, the badge, and the stories live on through the ages.
My particular experience of a lasting tradition exists in Chi Omega. And while the sisterhood or brotherhood that a sorority or brotherhood provides is special, any form of fellowship is meaningful. Not all of us want or have the opportunity to join Greek life though and that is perfectly okay. As long as we have a sense of belonging in our life in some way, I think we can have a whole new element to happiness.
I have so much more appreciation for this sense of belonging after attending the Chi Omega National Conference. It was so exciting to meet girls from Rhode Island, Arkansas, Oregon, and just about every other state. Even with our different accents (nothing like those southern belles!) it was amazing to hear everyone singing our national hymn. I love being a part of something so much bigger than myself.
Meeting our national leader, Leticia Fulkerson, was a highlight of the trip. She was one woman among many that has led our organization with grace and success. Chi Omega encourages its members to flourish and the support of the national board was certainly evident. During her motivational speech, Mrs. Fulkerson shared some of her favorite quotes with us. The one that left a lasting impression in my mind was this:
Oprah said, “A lot of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
This is the kind of support I am referring to in Chi Omega. It was wonderful to have the wisdom of your elders alongside the friendship of your current sisters.
I encourage you to be a part of something. To be a part of something more than yourself where you can still make a difference. We can find so much fulfillment from friendship, leadership, and common ground. Sharing something with people, whether it is a sisterhood, a business, or a family, can lead to so much extra joy in our life. It is a comforting feeling to know that you are not alone; that you are supported, loved, and appreciated. I have found that particular sense of support through  membership in Chi Omega.
A sorority membership lasts a lifetime but the years as an active are limited to four. This is a brief time to enjoy the benefits of active membership: living in a sorority house, having my friends live within a walk down the hall, and celebrating the sisterhood on a daily basis. It reminds me how we should strive to be grateful every day for the friendships we have in our lives—they are meant to last a lifetime.
“May we take pride in our lives, realize the power of our dreams, and celebrate happiness today and every day!”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Aditya Gune

