Raise Your Glass!

School will be starting in less than a week and in this interim period, I’m reflecting on my hopes for the upcoming year. We all have much to be thankful for, despite our setbacks, and I think we should especially use this time to celebrate and remember. As my sorority prepares to go through recruitment, we did a similar event, having a group toast for the upcoming year. It was such a bonding experience and I think we need to raise our glass more often.So what am I toasting to this year?First, to an amazing two years thus far at UCLA. I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most compassionate people in my time here and I will always be grateful for the friends that I will keep for the rest of my life. I have discovered a direction in my life that has given me a new pursuit—largely guided by the esteemed “pursuit of happiness.”Secondly, for the present day. Yes, it carries its challenges but with these days, I have been able to find more gratitude than usual. I have realized recently how truly blessed we are—I pray that we all have health, everlasting hope, and happiness.Lastly, for the future. We never know what a new day will bring but I hope that it always brings the best out of us. I want to make the most of every opportunity and I can’t wait for the new people that I will meet this year. I’m excited to grow closer with those that I am already close to—this will be a truly wonderful year.I hope you’ll make a toast today—even if it’s with your water bottle. What are you wishing for this year and what are you thankful for today? Raise your glass!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


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