The Days of Thanks Continue

We’re one day closer to one of my favorite holidays. Woopie! Thanksgiving is almost here and I can hardly wait. What are you most looking forward to? I’m excited for the food (naturally) but I’m also excited to see my family who I haven’t seen in months. I guess that’s what college does to you! Let’s get to the good stuff!To continue on with 5 MORE things that I’m thankful for:

  1. Kiko: I get to see my precious little Siamese cat once more today. Somehow that little 20 pound ball of fluff (almost) always brings a smile to my face. I can’t wait to see him waddle toward me.
  2. Technology: Perhaps it’s a blessing and a curse but having an iPhone has made my life SO much easier. Also, I love Facebook in that it keeps me close with people that aren’t in my near vicinity. Like all things, if technology is used in moderation and in the right way, it can be a very beneficial tool. Wow, that got formal.
  3. People who say yes: This past year I’ve had so many amazing people who have taken a chance on me and who have believed in me. I’m so grateful to these people who have taught me so much. I hope that I’ll have another year like this past one.
  4. People who say no: You can learn just as much from rejection, if not more so. It was never easy to hear “no” this year but it always came with a better “yes.” It always made me think harder, bigger, and bolder.
  5. My friends: Always making me laugh—always. This quarter has been a little harder in the sense that my close friends aren’t always right down the hall, but still, the time we do have together is just as special. You have to have friends if you’re going to get by.

Consider this your dress rehearsal—tomorrow is the big show! Be ready to share your thanks at the table tomorrow—perhaps this is a good testing ground to get started? Please share, I’d love to find out what you’re grateful for this year!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


Giving Thanks for What You've Got


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